Sunday, September 30, 2007

Two September happy dances!

Since I started a lot of pieces in 2005 and 2006, it's time to reap the happy dances!

Here are two lovelies I finished during September:

Mirabilia - Maidens of Seasons I
Mirabilia - Maidens of Seasons I

Lavender&Lace - Angel of the Sea
Lavender & Lace - Angel of the Sea

I am currently working on Passione Ricamo Spring Fairy spirit (not close to finishing, but the piece that is - TW's Enchanter - was driving me crazy with all that confetti stitching - I've had enough of that on Maidens!)

Anyway I’ll put her aside for a month tonight – I am involved in two charity stitching projects and I want to dedicate October to charity only – and will see if I will pick her up after that. Just today I heard the news that a very dear friend is expecting her second baby in March, and I want to stitch her another baby guardian angel, and this time I want to have it done on time!

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