Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Oh no, it's Christmas time!

It's Tuesday, the Christmas Eve (when we celebrate Christmas) is just 4 days away, and I don't even count the fact that we are doing pre-Christmas Christmas Eve with my fiance on the 23 (he's off for his parents' on the morning of 24, so we have to celebrate Christmas a day earlier).

Taken into consideration that tomorrow is my company's Christmas party and on Thursday I have a Christmas party with my class members from highschool (I look much more forward to that one), I only have this evening to finish all preparations. And here I am, on the computer again. Oh well...

Most of the preparations are done, I am missing one me-present and have to buy 3 presents on behalf of my fiance. Now not only am I buying presents from him for my side of family, but also for his side of the family too! Now talk about equal opportunities :-)

And work is at its usual crazy peek. I will try to take a half day off on Friday, but somehow I just don't see that happening, as usually. And I so need some quite and piecefull rest... maybe next life? And my stitching is so neglected!

Right now, i am working on a sampler that should have been finished weeks ago - it is a present for in-laws-to-be and while I will be able to finish the stitching, there is no time to have it framed. Guess I will just give it unframed and either take it home for framing or leave it for them to frame it... I will post the picture once I will get to scan it, it is really pretty.

Next in line is the Guardian angel, got the pattern and fabric last week from DH2B as present to my nameday, I want to stitch it for a friend who is expecting a baby in March. maybe it will be done just in time for their daughter's (it should be a girl) first birthday! :-)

gotta run now, the shopping is calling for me.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I am alive and kicking!

Well anyway, sort of. After passing my finals, I had to concentrate on writing and finishing my final thesis on the law school in two months, and trust me, these two months were hell for me. I would write and write and write, untill my fingers went sore and blistery, carry my notebook to work and from the work go to the library (lots of resources, wifi internet connection for online researches and opened till 10 pm) and write there, not getting much sleep and certainly not getting much life.

But I survived, handed in my thesis on November 30 and now I am waiting for the opinions on that. Hopefully, the defence will be scheduled for January, so I could graduate (of course, if I will sustain the defence) in March. Now that would be great, because I don't really think I am ready for re-writing that bloody thing. 83 pages of unfair competitions was more than enough for me.

Now I should be concentrating on the economy school (which I don't, haven't touched a textbook ever since the thesis was handed in) and of course, there is the Christmas thing. I am semi-prepared, I mean, the tree is up, missing only a couple ornies, most cookies are baked, cards sent, presents mostly bought (still missing present for my mom's boyfriend, and mum as yet gave me no hint as to what that should be. Considering they might be getting married next year I really should not leave him out!). But I just don't know how to squeeze in the remaining preparations, especially since i am so busy with work these days (as every Christmas, I should know better).

One thing I am looking forward is the Christmas party I am throwing tomorrow night. Every year, I have a small Christmas party/celebration of my name-day, where I invite friends and we just have fun. I have prepared most things, now I just need to tidy-up the whole place, which will take some time. And time is a problem right now.

You see, I feel very guilty, because tonight my department has a farewell/welcome party. There is 7 people in the department, but I don't really feel like being a part of the team and quite frankly do not want to be a part of the team (for various reasons, one of them being that I was employed for a different position, financial one, and being put in the office with the lawyers after two years of sitting with the financial people, on the grounds that "it is a temporary solution and we need your old table for someone else" is something that I still resent). Moreover, the party takes place at a very expensive club. It is paid for by the management, but I am not a party-type, dislike clubs, don´t feel like getting drunk and since I was not told it would take place in a club, I am not dressed for it. Now if I left for home right now, I might just about make it, but I have a terrible headache and I wanted to be home early tonight because I have a lot of preparations for tomorrow evening. You see, what I was told was that it will be a dinner party so I though a) I could go straight from the office and b) be at home by 9 pm. So it looks I am not going anywhere and I know I will be talked about badly because "I do not make efforts to be a team player".

Why do I have to be such a try-to-please-them-all? I should just say "I am not a club person and it doesn't suit me to go to yet another party right before Christmas" and leave it at that. I guess some more assertivity would really do me good...