Tuesday, January 17, 2006

January's update

I survived the Christmas time! Actually it went pretty fine, I tried to start early, exclude last moment's shoppping, so I was even able to do things like bake Christmas bread for every member of the family, go to Christmas mass and enjoy peacefull stitching by TV.

I finished the veggetable sampler (late for Christmas, but it is framed now so I can take it to in-laws-to-be this weekend) and now I am trying to finish the Baby in the Basket (a very late gift, too) and simultaneously working on Guardian angel, which is coming out really nice.

Regarding school stuff, I have been a very lazy bum. Did not do anything so far (other than a little reading) for my economy school. Formal defense of my legal final thesis is scheduled tomorrow and I am very nervous about it. My friend O. (top of my class, graduated in June), who read my thesis and both formal opinions on it from the committee members, says I will do just fine and from all that he knows, given the opinions I received, I will be able to defend it, but that doesn't stop me from having a very bad feeling in my stomach every time I think about it.

Plus work is crazy right now and I could spend here 24/7 just to get all done and on the top of that I am off for a week's skiing vacation this Friday! Now I really don't know how I will manage... wish me luck.